The following classification has been assembled by members of the IUCN-SSC Afrotheria Specialist Group. Superscripts refer to footnotes in each section. The binomial for each species is followed with the 2008 IUCN Red List categories of threat: [DD] = data deficient, [LC] = least concern, [NT] = near threatened, [VU] = vulnerable, [EN] = endangered, [CR] = critically endangered. The common English names for all species are included to the right of the scientific names. At the end of each section are literature citations that support the classification.  For further details, see back issues of “Afrotherian Conservation – Newsletter of the IUCN-SSC Afrotheria Specialist Group.”

Supercohort: Afrotheria

Order: Afrosoricida

Stanhope et al. (1998) grouped golden moles and tenrecs in the new order Afrosoricida. The existence of this clade, and its affinities with other Afrotherian taxa, is strongly supported by phylogenies based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, and rare genomic changes such as indels (insertions and deletions), SINES (short interspersed nuclear sequences) and chromosomal rearrangements (Springer et al. 2004). Bronner et al. (2003) reluctantly accepted Afrosoricida as the ordinal name for this clade, a treatment followed by Bronner and Jenkins (2005) who argue that the alternative (and earlier) names "Tenrecoidea" and "Tenrecomorpha" are unsuitable at the ordinal level.

Subordinal distinction between the tenrecs (Tenrecomorpha) and golden moles (Chrysochloridea) has been motivated based on analyses of both morphological (Butler, 1972, 1988; MacPhee and Novacek, 1993) analyses and the above mentioned molecular studies indicating an early phylogenetic divergence.

Overall classification follows:

Bronner, G.N. and P.D. Jenkins.  2005. Order AfrosoricidaPp. 70-81 in Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition. Wilson, D. E. and D.M. Reeder (eds.). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. 2142 pp.

The golden mole classification follows the treatment of Bronner & Jenkins (2005), and is based largely on the treatment of Meester et al. (1986) for the Chrysochlorinae, and Bronner (1995; 1996; 2000) for the Amblysominae. Type species are indicated by asterisks. Superscripts denote footnotes explained below.

Order: Afrosoricida (55 species)

Suborder: Chrysochloridea (21 species)

Golden Moles

Family: Chrysochloridae


        Subfamily: Chrysochlorinae 1


              Genus: Eremitalpa


                    Species: Eremitalpa granti* [LC]

Grant's Golden Mole

              Genus: Chrysospalax


                    Species: Chrysospalax trevelyani* [EN]

Giant Golden Mole

                    Species: Chrysospalax villosus [VU]

Rough-haired Golden Mole

              Genus: Chrysochloris


                    Subgenus: Chrysochloris


                          Species: Chrysochloris asiatica* [LC]

Cape Golden Mole

                          Species: Chrysochloris visagiei incertae sedis 2 [DD]

Visagie’s Golden Mole

                    Subgenus: Kilimatalpa


                          Species: Chrysochloris (K.) stuhlmanni* [LC]

Stuhlmann’s Golden Mole

              Genus: Cryptochloris


                    Species: Cryptochloris zyli* [EN]

Van Zyl’s Golden Mole

                    Species: Cryptochloris wintoni [CR]

De Winton’s Golden Mole

              Genus: Carpitalpa


                    Species: Carpitalpa arendsi* [VU]

Arend’s Golden Mole

              Genus: Chlorotalpa


                    Species: Chlorotalpa duthieae* [VU]

Duthie’s Golden Mole

                    Species: Chlorotalpa sclateri [LC]

Sclater’s Golden Mole

        Subfamily: Amblysominae 1


              Genus: Calcochloris


                    Subgenus: Calcochloris


                          Species: Calcochloris (C.) obtusirostris* [LC]

Yellow Golden Mole

                    Subgenus: Huetia 3


                          Species: Calcochloris (H.) leucorhina* [DD]

Congo Golden Mole

                          Species: Calcochloris (H.) tytonis incertae sedis 4 [DD]

Somali Golden Mole

              Genus: Amblysomus


                    Species: Amblysomus hottentotus* 5 [LC]

Hottentot Golden Mole

                    Species: Amblysomus corriae 6 [NT]

Fynbos Golden Mole

                    Species: Amblysomus septentrionalis 6 [NT]

Highveld Golden Mole

                    Species: Amblysomus robustus 6 [VU]

Robust Golden Mole

                    Species: Amblysomus marleyi 6 [EN]

Marley’s Golden Mole

              Genus: Neamblysomus 7


                    Species: Neamblysomus gunningi* [EN]

Gunning’s Golden Mole

                    Species: Neamblysomus julianae 8 [VU & CR]

Juliana’s Golden Mole

Chrysochloridea footnotes:

1. Bronner et al. (2003) resurrected these subfamilies, which were erected by Simonetta (1968), but not used by most subsequent authors.

2. Known only from the type specimen. Meester (1974) argued that it may be an aberrant specimen of C. asiatica. More data are, however, needed to confirm the status of this taxon.

3. Included in Amblysomus by Simonetta (1968) and Petter (1981), and in Chlorotalpa by Meester (1974). Assigned to Calcochloris (Subgenus Huetia Forcart, 1942) by Bronner (1995) based on limited craniometric evidence.

4. Known from only the type specimen (partially-complete skull from an owl pellet), and thus of uncertain taxonomic status.

5. Bronner (1995, 1996, 2000) demonstrated the existence of three cryptic species (marleyi, septentrionalis and robustus) in this species, as traditionally constituted (Meester 1974).

6. Previously treated as a subspecies of A. iris, and devilliersi as a subspecies of A. hottentotus , see Meester et al. (1986). Bronner (1996) showed that iris represents only a subspecies of A. hottentotus, and elevated corriae to species rank to include devilliersi (previously included as a subspecies of hottentotus).

7. Included in Amblysomus by Simonetta (1968), Meester (1974), Petter (1981) and Meester et al. (1986). Bronner (1995) elevated it to generic rank on the basis of cytogenetic and cranial divergence from Amblysomus species.

8. The nominotypical population, from the Bronberg in eastern Pretoria, is now afforded Critically Endangered status owing to quartzite mining and urbanization, which are destroying its natural habitat.

Chrysochloridea references:

Bronner, G.N. 1995. Systematic revision of the golden mole genera Amblysomus, Chlorotalpa & Calcochloris (Insectivora: Chrysochloromorpha; Chrysochloridae). Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.

Bronner, G.N. 1996. Geographic patters of morphometric variation in the Hottentot golden mole, Amblysomus hottentotus (Insectivora: Chrysochloridae). A multivariate analysis. Mammalia 60:729-751.

Bronner, G.N. 2000. New species and subspecies of golden mole (Chrysochloridae: Amblysomus) from Mpumalanga, South Africa . Mammalia 64:41-54.

Bronner, G.N., Hoffman, M., Taylor, P.J., Chimimba, C.T., Best, P.B., Mathee C.A. , & Robinson T.J. 2003. A revised systematic checklist of the extant mammals of the southern African subregion. Durban Museum Novitates 28: 56-106.

Bronner, G.N. and P.D. Jenkins.  2005. Order Afrosoricida.  Pp. 70-81. In Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition. Wilson, D. E. and D.M. Reeder (eds.).  Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. 2142 pp.

Butler, P.M. 1972. The problem of insectivore classification, pp. 253-265. In Studies in vertebrate evolution. Ed. K. Joysey & T. Kemp. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd.

Butler, P.M. 1988. Phylogeny of the insectivores, pp. 117-141. In The phylogeny and classification of the tetrapods, Vol. 2. Ed. M. J. Benton. Systematic Association Special Volume 35B. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

MacPhee, R.D.E. & Novacek, M.J. 1993. Definition and relationships of Lipotyphla, pp. 13-31. In Mammal phylogeny: placentals. Ed. F.S. Szalay,M.J. Novacek & M.C. McKenna. New York: Springer Verlag.

Meester, J. 1974. Family Chrysochloridae, part 1.3, pp 1-7. In The mammals of Africa: an identification manual. Eds J. Meester & H.W. Setzer. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.

Meester, J.A.J., Rautenbach, I.L., Dippenaar, N.J. & Baker, C.M. 1986. Classification of southern African mammals. Transvaal Museum Monographs. 5: 1-359.

Petter, F. 1981. Remarques sur le systématique des chrysochlorides. Mammalia 45:49-53.

Simonetta, A.M. 1968. A new golden mole from Somalia with an appendix on the taxonomy of the Family Chrysochloridae (Mammalia: Insectivora). Monitore zoologica italiano (Supplement) 2: 27-55.

Springer M.S., Stanhope M.J., Madsen O. & de Jong W.W. 2004. Molecules consolidate the placental mammal tree. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19:430–438.

Stanhope, M.J, Waddell, V.G., Madsen, O., de Jong, W., Hedges, B., Cleven, G.C., Kao, D. & Springer, M.S. 1999. Molecular evidence for multiple origins of Insectivora and for a new order of endemic African insectivore mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 95: 9967-9972.


Order: Afrosoricida (55 species)

Suborder: Tenrecomorpha (34 species)

Family: Tenrecidae (33 species)


        Subfamily: Potamogalinae

 Otter shrews

              Genus: Potamogale


                    Species: Potamogale velox [LC]

Giant Otter Shrew

              Genus: Micropotamogale


                    Species: Micropotamogale lamottei [EN]

Nimba Otter Shrew

                    Species: Micropotamogale ruwenzorii [NT]

Ruwenzori Otter Shrew

        Subfamily: Tenrecinae

Spiny tenrecs

              Genus: Echinops


                    Species: Echinops telfairi  [LC]

Lesser Hedgehog Tenrec

              Genus: Hemicentetes

Streaked Tenrecs

                    Species: Hemicentetes semispinosus  [LC]

Lowland Streaked Tenrec

                    Species: Hemicentetes nigriceps [LC]

Highland Streaked Tenrec

              Genus: Setifer


                    Species: Setifer setosus [LC]

Greater Hedgehog Tenrec

              Genus: Tenrec


                    Species: Tenrec ecaudatus [LC]

Tail-less Tenrec

        Subfamily: Geogalinae


                    Species: Geogale aurita [LC]

Large-eared Tenrec

        Subfamily: Oryzorictinae

Furred Tenrecs

              Genus: Limnogale


                    Species: Limnogale mergulus [VU]

Web-footed Tenrec

              Genus: Microgale9


                    Species: Microgale brevicaudata [LC]

Short-tailed Shrew Tenrec

                          (syn. Microgale breviceps)


                          (syn. Paramicrogale occidentalis)


                    Species: Microgale cowani [LC]

Cowan's Shrew Tenrec

                          (syn. Microgale crassipes)


                          (syn. Microgale longirostris)


                          (syn. Microgale cowani nigrescens)


                    Species: Microgale dobsoni [LC]

Dobson's Shrew Tenrec

                    Species: Microgale drouhardi [LC]

Drouhard's Shrew Tenrec

                          (syn. Microgale melanorrhachis)


                    Species: Microgale dryas [VU]

Dryad Shrew Tenrec

                    Species: Microgale fotsifotsy [LC]

Pale Shrew Tenrec

                    Species: Microgale gracilis [LC]

Gracile Shrew Tenrec

                    Species: Microgale grandidieri 12 [?]  

                    Species: Microgale gymnorhyncha [LC]

Naked-nosed Shrew Tenrec

                   Species: Microgale jenkinsae 10 [EN]


                    Species: Microgale jobihely 10 [EN]

                    Species: Microgale longicaudata [LC]

Lesser Long-tailed Shrew Tenrec

                          (syn. Microgale prolixacaudata)


                    Species: Microgale majori 11 [LC]

Major’s Long-tailed Tenrec

                    Species: Microgale monticola [VU]

Montane Shrew Tenrec

                    Species: Microgale nasoloi [VU]

Nasolo's Shrew Tenrec

                    Species: Microgale parvula [LC]

Pygmy Shrew Tenrec

                          (syn. Microgale pulla)


                    Species: Microgale principula [LC]

Greater Long-tailed Shrew Tenrec

                          (syn. Microgale decaryi)


                          (syn. Microgale sorella)


                    Species: Microgale pusilla [LC]

Least Shrew Tenrec

                    Species: Microgale soricoides [LC]

Shrew-toothed Shrew Tenrec

                    Species: Microgale taiva [LC]

Taiva Shrew Tenrec

                    Species: Microgale talazaci [LC]

Talazac's Shrew Tenrec

                    Species: Microgale thomasi [LC]

Thomas's Shrew Tenrec

              Genus: Oryzorictes

Rice Tenrecs

                    Species: Oryzorictes hova [LC]

Mole-like Rice Tenrec

                          (syn. Oryzorictes talpoides)


                    Species: Oryzorictes tetradactylus [DD]

Four-toed Rice Tenrec

Tenrecomorpha footnotes:

9. Revised by MacPhee (1987) American Museum Novitates (2889): 1-45.; reviewed in part by Jenkins, Goodman & Raxworthy (1996) Fieldiana, Zoology (85), pp. 191-217 and Jenkins, Raxworthy & Nussbaum (1997) Bull. nat. Hist. Mus. Lond. (Zool.) 63: 1 - 12. Note that one more new species description is in press (2006).

10. Recently described species - Goodman, S. M. & Soarimalala, V. (2004) Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 117, 265-279. Goodman, S.M., Raxworthy, C. J., Maminirina, C.P. and Olson, L.E. 2006. A new species of shrew tenrec (Microgale jobihely) from northern Madagascar. Jour. of Zool., Lond. 270: 384-398.

11. Recognized as a distinct species by Olson, Goodman & Yoder (2004) Biol J Linn Soc 83: 1-22.

12. Recently described species - L. E. Olson, Z. Rakotomalala, K. B. P. Hildebrandt, C. Lanier, C. J. Raxworthy, AND S. M. Goodman. 2009. Phylogeography of Microgale brevicaudata (Tenrecidae) and Description of a New Species from Western Madagascar. Journal of Mammalogy 90:1095-1110.

Tenrecomorpha references:

Heim de Balsac H. and F. Bourlière. 1955. Ordre des Insectivores.Systématique. In P.-P. Grassé (ed.): Mammifères: anatomie, éthologie, systématique. Traité de Zoologie 17: 1653-1697. Masson, Paris.

Geogaline, Tenrecine and Oryzorctine classification:

Bronner, G.N. and P.D. Jenkins.  2005. Order Afrosoricida.  Pp. 70-81. In Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition. Wilson, D. E. and D.M. Reeder (eds.).  Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. 2142 pp.


Order: Macroscelidea (18 species)

Sengis or Elephant-shrews

Family: Macroscelididae


        Subfamily: Rhynchocyoninae

Giant Sengis

              Genus: Rhynchocyon


                    Species: Rhynchocyon chrysopygus [EN]

Golden-rumped Sengi

                    Species: Rhynchocyon cirnei [NT]

Chequered Sengi

                    Species: Rhynchocyon petersi [VU]

Black and Rufous Sengi or Zanj Sengi

                    Species: Rhynchocyon udzungwensis [VU]

Gray-faced sengi

        Subfamily: Macroscelidinae

Soft-furred Sengis

              Genus: Petrodromus


                    Species: Petrodromus tetradactylus [LC]

Four-toed Sengi

              Genus: Macroscelides

Round-eared Sengis

                    Species: Macroscelides flavicaudatus

Namib round-eared sengi

                    Species: Macroscelides proboscideus

Karoo round-eared sengi

              Genus: Elephantulus

Long-eared Sengis

                    Species: Elephantulus brachyrhynchus [LC]

Short-snouted Sengi

                    Species: Elephantulus edwardii [LC]

Cape Sengi

                    Species: Elephantulus fuscipes [DD]

Dusky-footed Sengi

                    Species: Elephantulus fuscus [DD]

Dusky Sengi

                    Species: Elephantulus intufi [LC]

Bushveld Sengi

                    Species: Elephantulus myurus [LC]

Eastern Rock Sengi

                    Species: Elephantulus pilicaudus [DD]

Karoo Rock Sengi

                    Species: Elephantulus revoili [DD]

Somali Sengi

                    Species: Elephantulus rozeti [LC]

North African Sengi

                    Species: Elephantulus rufescens [LC]

Rufous Sengi

                    Species: Elephantulus rupestris [LC]

Western Rock Sengi

Macroscelidea references:

Corbet, G.B. and J. Hanks. 1968. A revision of the elephant-shrews, Family Macroscelididae. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History, Zoological Series 16:1-111.

Corbet, G.B. 1971. Family Macroscelididae. Part 1.5, pp. 1-6 in J. Meester and H.W. Setzer (eds). The Mammals of Africa: An Identification Manual. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., USA .

Dumbacher, J.P., G.B. Rathbun, H.A. Smit, and S.J. Eiseb.  2012.  Phylogeny and taxonomy of the round-eared sengis or elephant-shrews, genus Macroscelides (Mammalia, Afrotheria, Macroscelidea).  PLoS ONE 7(3):e32410 (12 pp + 4 pp. supplement table).

Rathbun, G.B. 2009. Why is there discordant diversity in sengi (Mammalia: Afrotheria: Macroscelidea) taxonomy and ecology? African Journal of Ecology 47:1-13.

Rathbun, G.B. and J. Kingdon.  2006.  The etymology of “SENGI”.  Afrotherian Conservation – Newsletter of the IUCN-SSC Afrotheria Specialist Group:4:14-15.

Rovero, F., G. B. Rathbun, A. Perkin, T. Jones, D. Ribble, C. Leonard, R. R. Mwakisoma, and N. Doggart. 2008. A new species of giant sengi or elephant-shrew (genus Rhynchocyon) highlights the exceptional biodiversity of the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. Journal of Zoology, London 274:126-133.

Schlitter, D.A.  2005. Order MacroscelideaPp. 82-85 in Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition. Wilson, D. E. and D.M. Reeder (eds.).  Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. 2142 pp.

Smit, H. A., T. J. Robinson, J. Watson, and B. Jansen van Vuuren. 2008. A new species of elephant- shrew (Afrotheria: Macroscelidea: Elephantulus) from South Africa. Journal of Mammalogy 89:1257-1269.


Order: Tubulidentata (1 species)

Family: Orycteropodidae


        Genus: Orycteropus


              Species: Orycteropus afer [LC]


Tubulidentata references:

Lehmann, T. 2009. Phylogeny and systematics of the Orycteropididae (Mammalia, Tubulidentata). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 155:649-702.

Meester, J. 1971. Order Tubulidentata. Part 10, pp. 1-2 in J. Meester and H.W. Setzer (eds). The Mammals of Africa: An Identification Manual. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., USA .

Schlitter, D.A.  2005. Order Tubulidentata.  Pp. 86 in Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition. Wilson, D. E. and D.M. Reeder (eds.).  Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. 2142 pp.


Order: Hyracoidea (4 species)

Hyraxes or Dassies

Family: Procaviidae


        Genus: Dendrohyrax

Tree Hyraxes

              Species: Dendrohyrax arboreus [LC]

Southern Tree Hyrax

              Species: Dendrohyrax dorsalis [LC]

Western Tree Hyrax

              Species: Dendrohyrax validus [LC]

Eastern Tree Hyrax

        Genus: Heterohyrax


              Species: Heterohyrax brucei  [LC]

Yellow-spotted Hyrax

        Genus: Procavia


              Species: Procavia capensis [LC]

Rock Hyrax


Hyracoidea references:

Shoshani, J.  2005. Order HyracoideaPp. 87-89 in Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition. Wilson, D. E. and D.M. Reeder (eds.).  Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. 2142 pp.

Schlitter, D. A., 1993, Order Hyracoidea. In: Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (eds. D. E. Wilson & D. M. Reeder) (Second Edition).
Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D. C. pp. 373-374.


IUCN/SSC Afrotheria Specialist Group

1 December 2009
