Golden Moles Photo Gallery

Giant Golden mole Chrysospalax trevelyani
French: Taupe dorée géante | German: Riesengoldmull
Surface forager in afromontane forests of the Eastern Cape
Total length: 208-235mm
Body mass: 410-500g
Status: Endangered
Photo: Gary Bronner

Rough-haired Golden mole Chrysospalax villosus
French: Taupe dorée à poil dur | German: Rauhaar-Goldmull
Surface forager in dense grasslands of eastern South Africa
Total length: 127-175mm
Body mass: 93-160g
Status: Vulnerable
Photo: Gary Bronner

Cape Golden mole Chrysochloris asiatica
French: Taupe dorée du Cap | German: Kap-Goldmull
Common in fynbos, strandveld, cultivated lands and gardens. Linnaeus named it “asiatica” as he thought (incorrectly) that the original specimen came from Siberia.
Total length: 94-115mm
Body mass: 25-55g
Status: Least
Photo: Gary Bronner

Van Zyl’s Golden mole Cryptochloris zyli
French: Taupe dorée de Van Zyl | German: Van Zyls Goldmull
This is a photograph of the second specimen ever captured! Favours sandy dune habitatsalong the Cape west coast.
Total length: 82mm
Body mass: 21g
Status: Endangered
Photo: Jennifer

Grant’s Golden mole Eremitalpa granti
French: Taupe dorée de Grant | German: Grants Goldmull
Often referred to as the “Namib golden mole”, but also found in arid sandy areas along the west coast of South Africa.
Total length: 76-86mm
Body mass: 20-35g
Status: Near
Photo: Jennifer

Sclater’s Golden mole Chlorotalpa sclateri
French: Taupe dorée de Sclater | German: Sclaters Goldmull
Favours montane grasslands and scrub.
Total length: 82-135mm
Body mass: 22-54g
Status: Least

Yellow Golden mole Calcochloris obtusirostris
French: Taupe dorée jaune | German: Gelber Goldmull
Total length: 82-100mm
Body mass: 25-33g
Status: Least Concern
Photo: Gary Bronner

Hottentot Golden mole Amblysomus hottentotus
French: Taupe dorée de Hottentote | German: Hottentotten-Goldmull
Widespread in grasslands, forests, cultivated lands and gardens of eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal
Total length: 104-135mm
Body mass: 37-85g
Status: Least Concern
Photo: Gary Bronner

Highveld Golden mole Amblysomus septentrionalis
French: Taupe dorée de montagne | German: Highveld-Goldmull
Montane grasslands of Free State and Mpumalanga
Total length: 105-145mm
Body mass: 52-86g
Status: Near

Robust Golden mole Amblysomus robustus
French: Taupe dorée robuste | German: Robuster Goldmull
Known only from a few localities in grasslandsnear Belfast, Mpumalanga.
Total length: 109-143mm
Body mass: 61-98g
Status: Vulnerable
Photo: Gary Bronner

Gunning's Golden mole Neamblysomus gunningi
French: Taupe dorée de Gunning | German: Gunnings Goldmull
Known only from Woodbush and New Agatha forests, Soutpansberg, Limpopo province.
Total length: 111-132mm
Body mass: 39-70g
Status: Endangered
Photo: Gary Bronner

Juliana’s Golden mole Neamblysomus julianae
French: Taupe dorée de Juliana | German: Juliana’s Goldmull
Known from only 3 populations in bushveld and bushveld-grassland transition near Pretoria.
Total length: 92-111mm
Body mass: 21-35g
Status: Endangered (Pretoria population Critically Endangered)
Photo: Gary Bronner